Posted inFun for All
Posted inFun for All
Clean Joke 09. I waited and stayed up all night and tried to figure out where the sun was.
I waited and stayed up all night and tried to figure out where the sun was.
Posted inFun for All
Clean Joke 08. What does a pepper do when it’s angry?
What does a pepper do when it’s angry?
Posted inFun for All
Clean Joke 07. What do you call bears with no ears?
What do you call bears with no ears?
Posted inFun for All
Clean Joke 06. How did the hipster burn his mouth?
How did the hipster burn his mouth?
Posted inFun for All
Clean Joke 05. Why can’t you hear a pterodactyl go to the bathroom?
Why can’t you hear a pterodactyl go to the bathroom?
Posted inFun for All
Clean Joke 04. What’s a pirates favorite letter?
What’s a pirates favorite letter?
Posted inFun for All
Clean Joke 03. What did the left eye say to the right eye?
What did the left eye say to the right eye?
Posted inFun for All